Examples of SPAM Messages sent to our SuperYachtFan E-Mail Boxes. Please be Warned and Delete!

We receive a lot of spam on a daily basis. We decided to have some fun and dedicate a webpage to it.

Please be careful when you receive similar messages. Or better: delete immediately.

Please note that all companies mentioned in the messages hereunder are either nonexisting ou not aware that their name is used.

But these are actual messages we received.

Banco de dados de proprietários de iates

Banco de dados de proprietários de super iates 2024

Banco de dados de proprietários de super iates 2024


We receive a lot of spam in our mailboxes. Dozens per day. That is why we have set our firewall and mail filters at ‘high’. So your email may never end up in our Inbox.
And just for sure: No, we don’t do link trades; No, we do not accept guest posts; No, we don’t link to your site which has interesting information about whatever; No, we are not interested in an inheritance, even if it’s several million; Nor do we want to receive your great investment proposal; We don’t want any donation of your fund; You don’t need to compensate us for dedication; And we will not help you get your funds transferred. Oh, and we will also not donate to your sick grandmother, or sister, or neighbor. Sorry to hear that they are all handicapped though. But we do appreciate that our e-mail address was selected to win millions.
Yes, we are aware of our Search Performance and Rankings, and we do not want any SEO advice. No, you don’t have to put us on 1st page; We need no more clients and customers; And we don’t need a monetize solution. We also don’t need a website design proposal, nor an audit, and we also want no mobile app. And no, we are not seeking for dedicated content writers.
And yes, we do know that our emails were suspended; That we have to verify our password; and that our password has expired. We weren’t even aware that so many people work in our IT department, but still thanks for all Last Warnings.
And finally: Thanks for the Contract in our mailbox to be signed, for the WeTransfer files, the pending orders, the Overdue Invoice, and the Quotations. Thanks for the package which has arrived but needs confirmation. And did we mention the Notifications, Content Appeals, and Password Resets, and certainly the IG Blue Badge procedures which need approval, all from one of those India-based official Instagram accounts?
Oh, and we normally don’t read emails from Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook with numbers in the address.
Your SuperYachtFan Team


Fake Payment

Dear info
Payment completed on behalf of my boss.
Please confirm receipt

Redes- Accounts

—————————Forwarded message———————————————–
Sent: Tuesday 31 August 2021 08:03
Hi Accounts Dept.
Please find the bank details attached.
Please forward the remittance details to their email [email protected] for confirmation.

Sent from my iPhone

On 30 August 2021, at 16:19, ACCOUNTS wrote:

Hi Sir ,
Please kindly send their bank details and email address so I can process the payment today. I will need the correct email address so I can notify them as soon as I have processed the payment. If you can send details across now, I will have the payment sorted out as I am still in the office.
Best wishes

Fake Inquiry

Supply Inquiry
Attention pleas

I hope you are safe from the global pandemic COVID-19? My name is Jacob Gunther (Mr) the Director of  ETS H. FAMTG SERVICE. I am one of the International sourcing agents; and I specialize in sourcing products for buyers such as Government Agencies, Ministries, Commissions, Organizations, etc. for contract supply.

Yes, I wish to know if you or your company can participate in International contract supply as there are great opportunities that need your products in large quantities. And, I would greatly appreciate receiving any information, brochure or price list of your products to learn more. Payment terms will be 100% in advance.

I look forward to hearing from you, and establishing a good business relationship with you.

Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Jacob Gunther (Mr)
The Director to ETS H. FAMTG SERVICE
Address: 16, Rue du Commerce Grand Marché,
Assigamé, BP 345 Lomé – Togo


Please include RFQ Number or PO Number on all correspondences.

Dear Valued Supplier,

Attached is a request for quote.

Kindly revert with quote soon.



78 SHENTON WAY #13-01,

Telephone : + 65 6304 1770
Fax : + 65 6220 7988

NOTE : Only Successful Quotes will be responded to.By accepting this RFQ you will be agreeing to give your consent to the processing of your personal data. The Company�s Data Protection Policy is available on our web site DELETED and describes how we handle your personal data including information regarding your rights.


Congratulations info,

Please kindly confirm the email address {[email protected]} which was selected to receive a donation from the Maria Clarke Foundation. For more information, send email to DELETEDmariaclarkefoundation.tk

Best wishes
Mrs. Veronica Claypold.
Donation Secretary.


Dear links

Good Morning,

This is the second time I am requesting a Quotation without any response from you.
We are in urgent need of the attached items.

Please arrange to quote us your products bottom price based on the attach order

Thanks and regards

Sunny Chang

Apex Enterprise ltd

DELETED @gmail.com

Tel : 02 2712 1878

Fax. 02 2716 5579


Dear Sir

Hope you are doing well.

Can you advise delivery status for our attached pending orders:-

This order (1283480) was submitted as a ship complete order. I have everything except the PB050077 in stock. there is a manufacturing delay on this part and I will not receive until early September. I can ship everything else if preferred. Please advise.

Thanks & regards,


Pauline Lim


5 Pereira Road

#02-01 Asiawide Industrial Building

Singapore 368025

Tel No +65 67438388

Fax No +65 67430202


Good day my dear,My name is Mrs. Diana Markus, a sick woman writing from a hospital bed due to dangerous cancer and stroke disease that attacked me. I have a donation fund that i want to donate through you to help the orphans, widows, handicap people and charity homes.
Please get back to me immediately after reading this message for more details regarding this humanitarian agenda.

God bless you while I’m waiting for your answer.
Your sister.

Mrs. Diana Markus.


ope you are doing well. 

I was looking for Keywords and found your website on page 3-4 of Google. If you were on page #1, you’d get so many prospects/new clients every day.  Most of your targeted keywords on page #3-5. You’re so close! Do you mind if I sent an SEO Audit of your site to see why you’re not on page #1?

It’s totally free. I can send the audit report in a couple hours. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I have more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing.

Can I send it over?

Look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Warm Regards,

Chris Willis

Business Development Consultant


Note: – Our next conversation will be on my corporate Email ID. If this is something you are interested in, please respond to this email. If this is not your interest, don’t worry, we will not email you again.   


My mail account
Confirm your activities
We’ve detected something unusual about a recent sign-in for the Mail account [email protected]. For example, you might be signing in from a new location, device or app.
To help keep you safe, we’ve blocked access to your inbox, contacts list and calendar for that sign-in. Please review your recent activity and we’ll help you secure your account. To regain access, you’ll need to confirm that the recent activity was yours.
Review recent activity
Mail account team


Dear Friend

I am a bank manager here in Mexico.

I have a confidencial financial offer that can benefit both of us.

Kindly reply me for more details

Yours Sincerely


DELETED @udttld.com


My sincere apologies for interrupting your programmes.

I am Steve Mell a Briton living here in Libya at the moment but I am contacting you based on a business opportunity from a close friend of mine working as a manager with a powerful security company in the United Kingdom(UK)

This is in respect to some deposited boxes with this company under my friend’s care while the depositor (An Afghan) former War Lord has been murdered or died in exile.

My friend (The Manager) is in totally control of these deposits now after failing to reach any relative of the late depositor and he wants a foreigner we can work with in moving these deposits (Cash money and Gold) to your country under your care.

This action of moving this deposits has become necessary with the latest total take-over of Afghanistan by the Talibans which makes it impossible to reach anyone in his family or country for this.
If you are willing and able to handle this transaction, I will tell you more details once I hear from you.

I will like us to maintain this discussion here on whatsapp – +218 912 DELETED for confidential purposes or you can possibly reach me on my private email –  DELETED @gmail.com


Steve Mell

LINK BUILDING (Totally not relevant ;-) )


While I was reading https://www.superyachtfan.com/ I started thinking about TV Talk Shows. In some ways, TV talk shows have changed, yet in other ways stayed the same. With so many different options to obtain information these days, is there a future for TV Talk Shows? I certainly hope so, but I must admit the days of Oprah are long gone!

I thought you might like this post we recently did https://www.cablecompare.com/blog/what-does-the-future-hold-for-tv-talk-shows

Also, I have a suggestion. Our article might make a great addition to your piece. Perhaps you’d consider adding this resource to your article?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Keshia Powers
Marketing Team


Your earliest response would be highly appreciated.
Contact photo
From Fabio Bellot on 2021-09-03 12:30
Plain text
Attention [email protected]

My name is Fabio Bellot an Attorney (lawyer) representing one of the UK top law firms.

There is an unclaimed “permanent life insurance policy” insured with a top Life Insurance Company in London, United Kingdom. The policy holder was
one of our client who worked with an Energy Company here in London.

Please kindly partner with me to enable us claim this policy benefit due to the fact that you have/share the same last name with the deceased.

Please contact me via email: fabiobeDELETED @gmail.com

Your earliest response would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Fabio Bellot
Choice Law Firm
Director – Head of Litigation
Choice Law
London United Kingdom

(This communication, links contained herein, is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected.)


Verify your account [email protected]
Contact photo
From superyachtfan.com on 2021-09-02 22:27
Plain text
Dear [email protected],
We recently installed new security features for all the superyachtfan.com and admin centers.

We require our customers to check and update their account information.

You will not be able to use your account if this process is not completed.

Please update your account information below.

Update Information →

If no action is taken, Account will be automatically deleted after 9/2/2021 11:27:40 p.m.
This Email was sent to ” [email protected] ” as a User from ” superyachtfan.com ”


superyachtfan.com Mail Admin.

More Examples

Just screenshots here!. But please note that in all cases the mail address is not matching the visible name.
